Mrs. Stellfox's 4th Grade

Welcome to 4th Grade!


Dear Families,


I truly believe that every child, in my classroom, could grow up to change the world.

I believe that family is a child's first teacher.

I believe that the impossible is possible.

I believe in your child.


Each child is special, in their own, unique way. I strive to teach to the individual student, and use their strengths to not only help them learn, but help them love learning! We use many techniques in my classroom which you may have not seen before: preferential seating, movement based learning, collaboration, Socratic seminars, and differentiated learning. All of these techniques add up to one thing: helping your child be the best possible student they can be. But, we are a team. Family/Child/Teacher teams make the strongest students. Thank you for letting me be on your team!


A Word About Homework


In my humble opinion, children need to spend time with their families talking about their days, eating dinner, playing sports, and having fun. So, as a rule, I will not be assigning homework on a regular basis. Instead, I will be requiring 150 minutes of reading per week (about 21 mins per day); which can be done mornings, afternoons, evenings, or weekends. They can be logged by hand for book-style reading, logged by on-line reading programs such as MyOn, or can be logged by other methods devised by the students.


There may be exceptions to the "No Homework" policy:


Science Fair Projects, Family Projects, FSA Test Prep, Incomplete Work, Make-ups.

Instructions for most assignments to be completed at home will appear in this section.


Please let me know if you feel your child would benefit from homework; I would be glad to work up a packet for you to use at home!